Experimental Hardware and Facilities for Space Life Sciences
Dr. Michele Balsamo, Ph.D., Head of Section Life Science Research and Development – Kayser Italia S.r.l.
Space life science research is of paramount importance for the future planned human activities on board International Space Station (ISS), the Lunar Gateway, or for the colonization of the Moon and Mars because either gives insights into the effects of space flight on a number of biological model systems or provides countermeasures to fight the hostile effects of the space environment on the human body. In this context, state of the art experiment hardware proven to be successful in space operations and scientific results is therefore a valuable asset for the support of scientific investigations because it offers solutions that are reliable, cost-affordable, and scientific sound. An overview of space-qualified experiment hardware and facilities supporting biological investigations will be presented.
Wednesday, May 11, 2023, 2:00 pm (link)
Seminar proposed by SST PHD Programme
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